Demonstration test of a small-sized universal firing head
On February 29, 2024, BVT conducted demonstration bench tests of a small-sized firing head in the presence of representatives of the producer – OJSC “Yamal LNG” and the geophysical enterprise LLC “Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika”.
This equipment was tailored for the Customer’s specialized production tasks, for perforation in wells with small bore diameters when running the assembly onto tubing/coiled tubing.
The tests were carried out at the special production facility of BVT, in an explosion localizer. The tests proved the performability of the equipment developed.
In addition, the Customers observed the technological process of shaped charge production and the multi-stage quality control.
Shooting tests were carried out to confirm the technical characteristics of penetration of the most popular shaped charges for small-sized perforation systems (ZPK-38-AT-M-03 and ZPK-50-AT-M-03) when shooting at concrete targets manufactured according to the API standard.
Small-sized universal firing head developed by BVT
- due to its design, it is protected from pressure surges that can occur in gas wells when pumping through a small annulus;
- minimizes the risk of false tripping in a non-target interval of a reservoir as a result of an accidental hydraulic impact;
- provides for perforation in wells with installed hydraulic fracturing collars and a bore diameter of 46 mm.
P = 7 MPa
P = 40 MPa
P = 80 MPa